Why Does My Tooth Hurt? 5 Possible Answers

If you are experiencing tooth or gum pain, it is important to contact your dentist immediately. Our dentists in Clarenville, can provide you with information about the potential causes of your discomfort and suggest ways to alleviate your pain.

What Might Cause Tooth & Gum Pain

Whether your tooth pain is minor or severe enough to disrupt your thoughts, it is recommended that you seek immediate consultation from your dentist to identify the underlying cause of the problem as soon as possible. While a consistent oral hygiene routine can help prevent toothaches or discomfort, there are various factors that can lead to tooth or gum pain, such as the following.

Cavity/Tooth Decay

Cavities may develop slowly, but they can cause sudden pain. It is crucial to address this issue promptly to avoid the risk of developing an infection.

Grinding, Trauma or Injury

If you grind your teeth during sleep or have an injury while playing sports, it can lead to tooth damage or fractures. Ignoring the pain can worsen the situation. Therefore, it is advisable to seek dental treatment immediately. Your dentist may suggest filling, bonding, or a crown to remedy the situation. Additionally, teeth grinding can lead to tooth sensitivity, and it is recommended to ask your dentist for helpful tips to stop this harmful habit.

Wisdom Teeth

If your wisdom teeth become impacted, they can cause significant discomfort as they begin to push against surrounding teeth or lead to infections. Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth may result in further complications such as tooth damage and overcrowding if there is insufficient space for them to properly emerge.

Abscessed Tooth

When someone has a bacterial infection, there is a risk of developing pockets filled with pus. This can cause significant discomfort and sensitivity. Additionally, if left untreated, the infection can escalate into a more severe or life-threatening condition.

Gum Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can vary in severity from mild (gingivitis) to moderate and severe stages. If you are diagnosed with gingivitis, your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing, a procedure that involves the removal of plaque buildup from the gum line. However, if the disease has progressed to a more advanced stage, root canal therapy, surgery, or antibiotics may be necessary to address the issue.

Other Potential Causes

If you're experiencing temporary tooth sensitivity, it's not necessarily a cause for alarm. You can try using toothpaste made for sensitive teeth and avoid consuming extremely hot or cold food and drinks until the sensitivity subsides. But if the sensitivity persists for more than a couple of days, it could be a sign of a more serious problem such as gum recession, and you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

Sometimes, tooth pain could be a symptom of an issue outside your mouth. It could be caused by viral or sinus infections, vitamin deficiencies, headaches, or colds. Therefore, it's important to see your dentist even if you think the problem lies elsewhere. Ignoring or misdiagnosing the pain yourself could lead to serious complications. Remember, dental pain won't disappear on its own and should be evaluated by a professional.

What Helps Tooth Pain?

If you're experiencing tooth pain, the first step is to schedule an appointment with your dentist for an examination and treatment recommendations. While you wait for your appointment, you can try several home remedies to alleviate the pain. Applying an ice pack and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever can help reduce pain and inflammation. Additionally, a saltwater rinse may also provide relief for tooth pain in some cases.

Let us take care of your tooth and gum pain. Contact our Clarenville dentists to book an appointment today.

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